
You don’t need more creds & diplomas. Here’s why!

September 18, 2019

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I’m curious; how do you feel about getting more experience and more credentials? Are you always keen to know more? Learn more? 

If your answer to this is YES, you might wonder why wanting to learn more can hold you back. More experience and more knowledge makes you better at what you do, right?

Well yes, that’s often the case.

But… there might be something else going on here.

Here’s a question: why do you really want to get more experience, knowledge or credentials?

Is it because you love learning and developing yourself? Or is it because, if you’re really honest with yourself, you feel that you’re not experienced, knowledgeable or qualified enough? 

Have you ever thought that if you only had a few more years of experience under your belt….
If you only had that diploma, qualification or certification…

If only you had those things, then you’d be able to do what you really want to do.

You could… start teaching classes and leading workshops. You could start your business – or scale it. You’d be credible enough to speak on panel discussions and at events. You could write that book you’ve been wanting to write for years.

Then, only then. 

Sound familiar? 

What I’m trying to say is this: a constant desire to get more experience, knowledge and credentials is like a double edged sword. Yes, it can boost your career, but it can also hold you back.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% for credentials and experience. They’re super important, especially if you’re providing a service. You need knowledge and skills to back up your work.

But if you already have the required credentials to do your job and you believe you need more before people will take you seriously, then you might want to change the story that you’re telling yourself.

Please, hear me when I say that you already have what it takes. You don’t need to wait until you have more qualifications or more experience. You can start today. Don’t hold yourself back. 

There are people out there with less knowledge and experience than you who are already doing what you wish you were doing.

By all means, continue learning. Sing up for another course. Get more qualifications. Offer your services free of charge or for a small fee to get more experience. Just don’t wait with putting yourself out there any longer. Share what you know and do it now. Show up.

It’s okay if you don’t know everything. Nobody does.

Here are two things you can do to break through this trap:

  • Embrace imperfection. Know that you don’t need to do things perfect. Good is good enough. It’s better to teach a good enough class than not teaching a class at all. It’s better to host a good enough workshop or event than not hosting one at all. It’s better to write a good enough first draft than not write at all.

  • Start doing the things you’re afraid to do. Start doing the things you believe you’re not good enough at yet (despite having the experience, knowledge or creds). When you do these things often enough, you’ll start to realise that the earth beneath your feet didn’t crumble and that you’re still alive.

I really hope these words stick with you today. You might have heard all of it before, but let this be the time that it really sinks in and that you’ll start to get out there whilst you’re learning new things, instead of waiting until you believe you’re ready.

You already are. SO. Ready.

With love, 


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